Protein Watermelon Berry Bowl

Protein Watermelon Berry Bowl

Super simple but with a punch of protein and nutrients, try it for your next brekky or post workout treat! Vegan, Dairy-free and contains 28 grams of protein!

- 200g frozen mixed berries
- 1 small frozen banana
- 1 small natural banana
- 2 scoops of Lean Blend Watermelon Protein Water
- 50-80mL coconut water
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon

How to: add the ingredients to a food processor/blender and blend for around 45seconds in a MEDIUM speed until smooth! Top with your favourite fruits, nuts and granola! 

Tip: Cut your fruit into your favourite shapes and add the offcuts into the smoothie for a waste free insta-worthy bowl!   

Enjoy xx

Recipe By: Ines @crushinglimits 

Ines is an emergency doctor, personal & fitness trainer, food photographer & cafe brunch lover blogger and social media content creator. She shares her daily life and health, fitness and lifestyle tips on her Instagram account @crushinglimits between her busy lifestyle and different jobs. She tries to make the whole world smile a tiiiiiiny bit more with her crushing and incredible creations! 👩‍⚕️☀️📸
