3 Essential Nutrients You Need More Of And Why

3 Essential Nutrients You Need More Of And Why

  A plate of cookies versus chopped chicken and broccoli stir-fry for lunch – which is the ‘healthier’ option? Hint: it’s not really about the calo...

How to Practice Mindfulness with Your Morning Coffee

How to Practice Mindfulness with Your Morning Coffee

Starting on a mindfulness practice can seem like such a drag. You have to download multiple apps, find time in your busy schedule to sit down, and/...

For Real Tho, What Are Superfoods?

For Real Tho, What Are Superfoods?

Like many other health-conscious consumers, you may be well-familiar with the most popular superfoods out there. But here’s the thing. With ‘superf...

Tricks To Get The Most Out Of Your Caffeine Hit

Tricks To Get The Most Out Of Your Caffeine Hit

Every morning, you stumble down to the kitchen a bleary-eyed, groggy grump… But as soon as you chug down that a.m. fix? You’re ready to walk out th...

Welcome to Lean Blend

Welcome to Lean Blend

Hello and welcome!  Firstly we would like to thank you for dropping by and taking the time out of your already manic life to check out Lean Blend a...